
The Molecular Machines In Your Body

Every day billions of cells in your body are dividing to replace the 50 – 70 billion cells that die in a human’s body each day. This cell division (mitosis) requires an army of tiny molecular machines. This video contains a time-lapse sequence of

Pluto And Its Moons Documentary

This video from NOVA follows the New Horizons mission as it flys by Pluto. Did you know that Pluto is the only object in our solar system with a more complex geology than Earth. For example it has an underground ocean, evidence of ancient

How Many Universes Exist?

In this Ted-Ed video, Chris Anderson discusses the idea of multi-universes. Our knowledge of physics keeps expanding but there is still a large amount of information we don’t fully understand. Physicist now believe our reality may be explained through a theory that there are

Why Do We Kiss?

Philematology is the study of kissing. But just why do people kiss? Interesting fact: Men are more likely to initiate kissing before sex. Women are more likely to initiate kissing after sex Resources to learn more about kissing: