Space Archive

Pluto And Its Moons Documentary
This video from NOVA follows the New Horizons mission as it flys by Pluto. Did you know that Pluto is the only object in our solar system with a more complex geology than Earth. For example it has an underground ocean, evidence of ancient lakes, an atmosphere, and multiple moons.

How Many Universes Exist?
In this Ted-Ed video, Chris Anderson discusses the idea of multi-universes. Our knowledge of physics keeps expanding but there is still a large amount of information we don’t fully understand. Physicist now believe our reality may be explained through a theory that there are more universes than just our own.

How Do Spacecraft Navigate In Space?
In this video the principles that allow a spacecraft to navigate billions of miles of space over the course of years or decades is explained. The video contains images and footage from NASA, European Space Agency, and MIT.

Scale Model Of The Solar System Built In The Desert
In this short film by National Geographic a group of friends build a scale model of the solar system in seven miles of empty desert. Watch a beautiful representation of our universe come together in light and space in this extraordinary short film.

How Dangerous Is Deep Space Travel?
How much have we learned about the dangers of space in the last 50 years since the Apollo missions? With upcoming missions to Mars planned by Elon Musk in the 2020s and NASA in the 2030s, what can space explorers expect during long journeys in space? This video explores the risks of long times in