Most Dangerous Ways To School – 6 year old Lorenzo from Mexico
Launching a new video series – watch how young children from around the world get to school each day. First up, 6 year old Lorenzo from Mexico. They scale cliffs, swim across rivers, struggle through icy mountainous paths at -50 degrees Celsius, create makeshift

20+ Incredible Space Facts That Aren’t In Textbooks
Omg, have you heard the rumors??? A gigantic, undiscovered planet is hiding behind Neptune? Volcanoes on Pluto spew ice? A colossal canyon on Mars can accommodate the whole US territory, and most of Cleveland? Winds on Venus blow 50 times faster than the planet

10 Incredible Animal Abilities
This world is an incredible place. SUPERLATIVES aims at bringing you the most interesting top 10 videos on YouTube. Whether its facts, educational or just plain interesting, I love it all. There is SO much out there, and I want to learn and educate

Amazing Facts About Whales
Learn about the distinct features of whales. This video discusses what they eat and how they hunt for food. Watch this video to find out more about one of the oldest species on Earth.

National Geographic 2019 | The Biggest Scientific Discoveries of 2019 Documentary
National geographic biggest science discoveries 2019