Five Real Possibilities For Traveling To Other Solar Systems
The prospect of interstellar travel could be achievable within our lifetime using one of these real technologies like a light sail or nuclear pulse drive.
10 Women With Real Superpowers
Ten women with incredible talents. From the world’s fastest, strongest, and most flexible women to women with fantastic mental powers.
Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other’s Butt?
A dog’s sense of smell is at least 10,000 times more sensitive than yours or mine; so why do they use this increased sense of picking out odors to smell each other’s butts?
Rare Yellow Cardinal Seen In Alabama
Charlie Stephenson of Alabaster, Alabama saw this rare bird the first time in late January of 2018 and posted on Facebook about it. Biology professor Geoffrey Hill of Auburn University said the cardinal in the photos is an adult male in the same species as
How Deep Is The Ocean
This animation puts into perspective how deep the ocean goes and demonstrates the type of life that can be found at different depths. Find out how far down humans have explored.