Space Archive

What Is The Universe Expanding Into?
We often hear that our universe is expanding and the galaxies are moving further away from one another. But if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into?

Why Do We Only See One Side Of The Moon?
Explanation of why only one side of the Moon ever faces Earth. Also discusses the Moon’s influence on ocean tides and the length of days on Earth.

Virtual Tour To The Sun
Take a virtual tour from the Earth to the Sun with stops at our moon, Venus, and Mercury. Bring something cold to drink it’s going to get pretty hot where we’re going. This is a really amazing video.

How Big Is The Universe?
How big is the universe compared to a grain of sand? Astronomer Pete Edwards of the University of Durham attempts to describe the enormity of the universe. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth!

The Scale Of The Universe
This video compares the size of objects in our universe and demonstrates the enormous scale of space. The number of objects and distance of space is beyond our imagination.