Space Archive

Saturn’s Largest Moon: Titan
Titan is the only object in our solar system besides Earth that is currently know to have a thick atmosphere. A probe landing on Titan has photographed what appear to be rivers and lakes of methane. Volcanoes on Titan expel lava that would freeze you instead of burn you. This video contains photos of the

Why Does Venus Spin Backwards?
The planets in our solar system obit the Sun counterclockwise and also spin on their axis counterclockwise. But the planet Venus spins on its axis clockwise. Scientists aren’t sure why this is. In this video some theories are discussed to explain why Venus spins backward.

Voyager 2 Enters Interstellar Space
Launched over 41 years ago, the Voyager 2 probe has become the second man-made object to enter interstellar space. Voyager 1 was the first in 2012. Voyager 2 has left what is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is a vast bubble of plasma and particles generated by the sun and stirred by solar winds. This

Where NASA Believes Extraterrestrial Life May Be Found
Does life exist outside of Earth? If so, where could it be? This video will explore the outer solar system, looking for where life in the planets, moons and more. Contains some beautiful images of moons found in our solar system.

25 Facts About Saturn’s Rings
25 facts about the rings of Saturn. Contains stunning photos of the planet Saturn and its rings. Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens was the first person to view and identify the rings in 1655. Saturn’s rings are made of billions of pieces of ice and rock, ranging in size from a grain of salt to a