Science Archive

What Is A Photon?
A photon is the basic unit of light and is the smallest discrete amount (quantum) of electromagnetic radiation. Photons are always in motion, have zero mass, and in empty space move at the speed of light. Because they can move at the speed of light, time has no effect upon them. A photon takes 8 minutes

Wormholes Explained
In Carl Sagan’s novel Contact, interstellar travel is presented in a way that is consistent with our current knowledge of physics. But are wormholes real? And if so, can they really be used to travel instantly across the universe?

General Relativity – The Curvature Of Spacetime
This is an excellent explanation of the curvature of spacetime and gravity. Einstein’s general theory shows how massive objects bend the fabric of spacetime.

What Did Einstein Mean By Curved Spacetime?
Two physicists explain one of the basic principles in Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

What Is Time?
In this course by Dr. Sean Carroll of the California Institute of Technology, he discusses the nature of time. Professor Carroll approaches time from a philosophical perspective. “Presentism” holds that the past and future are not real; only the present moment is real. However, the laws of physics appear to support “eternalism” – the view