Animals & Plants Archive

Rare Yellow Cardinal Seen In Alabama
Charlie Stephenson of Alabaster, Alabama saw this rare bird the first time in late January of 2018 and posted on Facebook about it. Biology professor Geoffrey Hill of Auburn University said the cardinal in the photos is an adult male in the same species as the common red cardinal, but carries a genetic mutation that causes

How Can a Cheetah Runs 60 Miles/Hour?
How can a Cheetah run 60 miles/hour? Why does a Blue Whale consume 1.5 billion calories (7,000 pounds of food) per day? How can a hippo walk under water? Here is why and how…

Why Are The Bees Dying?
In the six years leading up to 2013, more than 10 million beehives were lost, often to Colony collapse disorder (CCD), nearly twice the normal rate of loss. Several possible causes for CCD have been proposed, but no single proposal has gained widespread acceptance among the scientific community. Suggested causes include: infections with Varroa and

Nature’s Most Amazing Animal Superpowers
From geckos who climb glass using atomic adhesion (like Spider Man) to a shrimp that can shoot a bubble the temperature of the sun (like Aquaman), nature is pretty super.. We humans are pretty boring. LOL

How Do Chameleons Change Color?
For a long time it was thought that chameleons change color by dispersion of pigment-containing organelles within their skin. However, research conducted in 2014 on panther chameleons has shown that pigment movement only represents part of the story. Chameleons have two superimposed layers within their skin that control their color and thermoregulation. The top layer